3D printing technology has revolutionised the way people design, create and manufacture products. With the help of a 3D printer, it is now possible to produce highly detailed parts with intricate features that would be difficult or impossible to make using traditional methods. To make the most of this technology, you need to understand the different types of tool heads so that you can choose the right one for your needs.

What Is a Tool Head?

The term "tool head" refers to the part of a 3D printer that houses its nozzle and associated components. It controls how the material is melted, extruded and deposited onto a build plate to create a three-dimensional object. Different types of tool heads are available for 3D printers, each offering different levels of precision and capabilities.

Single Extruder Tool Head

A single extruder tool head is designed to use just one type of filament material at a time. It typically has only one nozzle, allowing it to produce simple designs with basic materials such as PLA or ABS plastic filaments. Single extruder tool heads are often found on entry-level models as they offer an affordable and straightforward way to get into 3D printing. However, they are limited in terms of their versatility and capabilities when compared with more advanced multi-extruder models.

Dual Extruder Tool Head

Dual extruder tool heads feature two nozzles instead of one, allowing them to print simultaneously with two different materials or colours. This makes them ideal for producing complex designs or intricate colour combinations that wouldn't be possible with a single extruder model. Dual extruders also allow users to print with soluble support materials such as PVA, which can be easily dissolved after printing has been completed to reveal intricate details. They are more expensive than single extruders but offer greater flexibility when it comes to creating complex prints.

Flexible Filament Tool Head

Flexible filament tool heads are specifically designed for flexible materials such as TPU or TPE, which can bend without breaking or deforming under pressure. These tool heads feature special nozzles that can handle high temperatures without melting the flexible material. This allows you to produce parts with excellent elasticity and durability while maintaining their shape and integrity even under strain or load-bearing conditions. Flexible filament tool heads are perfect for producing items such as phone cases, medical devices or other products where flexibility is required without sacrificing strength or detail accuracy.

How to Make a Choice

No matter what type of product you want to create using a 3D printer, there is sure to be a suitable tool head available for your needs. However, it is always best to talk with an expert before you choose the solution, as they will be able to give you more specific advice. However, there are a variety of high-quality machines around today that can produce some amazing results, and it's amazing to think how far the industry has come on in recent years.

Reach out to a 3D printer supplier that offers a variety of printers, including MakerBot Method X Printers, to learn more.
